출처 : http://support.citrix.com/article/CTX119209

vserverTable (
The vservers table
This is indexed on the vsvrName.

vsvrName (
The name of the vserver

vsvrIpAddress (
IP address of the vserver

vsvrPort (
the port of the vserver

vsvrType (
Protocol associated with the vserver

vsvrState (
Current state of the server.

vsvrCurClntConnections (
The number of current client connections.

vsvrCurSrvrConnections (
The number of current connections to the real servers behind the vserver.

vsvrSurgeCount (
The number requests in the surge queue.

vsvrTotalRequests (
The total number of requests received on this service/vserver(This is applicable for HTTP/SSL servicetype).

vsvrTotalRequestBytes (
The total number of request bytes received on this service/vserver.

vsvrTotalResponses (
Number of responses received on this service/vserver(This is applicable for HTTP/SSL servicetype).

vsvrTotalResponseBytes (
Number of response bytes received on this service/vserver.

vsvrTotalPktsRecvd (
The total number of packets received on this service/vserver.

vsvrTotalPktsSent (
The total number of packets sent.

vsvrTotalSynsRecvd (
The total number of syns received from clients on this service/vserver.

vsvrCurServicesDown (
The current number of services which are bound to this vserver and are in the state ‘down’.

vsvrCurServicesUnKnown (
The current number of services which are bound to this vserver and are in the state ‘unKnown’.

vsvrCurServicesOutOfSvc (
The current number of services which are bound to this vserver and are in the state ‘outOfService’.

vsvrCurServicesTransToOutOfSvc (
The current number of services which are bound to this vserver and are in the state ‘transitionToOutOfService’.

vsvrCurServicesUp (
The current number of services which are bound to this vserver and are in the state ‘up’.

vsvrTotMiss (
Total vserver misses

vsvrRequestRate (
This represents the request rate in requests per second for this service/vserver.

vsvrRxBytesRate (
This represents the request rate in bytes per second fot this service/vserver.

vsvrTxBytesRate (
This represents the response rate in bytes per second fot this service/vserver.

vsvrSynfloodRate (
This represents the rate of unacknowledged SYNs for this service/vserver.

vsvrIp6Address (
IPv6 address of the v server

vsvrTotHits (
Total vserver hits

vsvrFullName (
The name of the vserver

vsvrCurSslVpnUsers (
The current number of ssl users accessing this VIP.

vsvrTotalServicesBound (
The current number of services which are bound to this vserver.

vsvrHealth (
The percentage of UP services bound to this vserver.

vsvrTicksSinceLastStateChange (
Time (in 10 milliseconds) since the last state change.

vsvrTotSpillOvers (
Number of times vserver expereinced spill over.

vsvrEntityType (
The type of the vserver.

vsvrTotalClients (
The total number of established client connections.

vsvrTotalServers (
The total number of established server connections.

vserverServiceTable (
The vserver service relationship table
This is indexed on the vsvrName and vsvrServiceName.

vsvrServiceHits (
This represents the number of times that the service has been provided.

servicePersistentHits (
The total number of persistent hits.

serviceWeight (
The weight of the service tied to the vserver.

vsvrServiceName (
The name of the service to which the vserver is bound.

vsvrServiceFullName (
The Full name of the service to which the vserver is bound.

vserverFullName (
The full name of the vserver.

vsvrServiceEntityType (
The entity type of the service: service group member or service.

vserverCspolicyTable (
The vserver content switching policy relationship table
This is indexed on the vsvrName and cspolicyName.

cspolicyName (
This represents the name of the policy bound to content switching vserver

cspolicyDestVserverName (
This represents the name of the destination vserver to which the request has to be directed to if the content switching policy evaluates to true.

cspolicyHits (
This represents the number of hits on this policy.

csIndexVserverFullName (
The full name of the cs vserver to which this policy belongs.

vserverCrpolicyTable (
The vserver cache redirection policy relationship table
This is indexed on the vsvrName and crpolicyName.

crpolicyName (
This represents the name of the policy bound to cache-redirection vserver

crpolicyHits (
This represents the hits on the cr policy.

crIndexVserverFullName (
The full name of the cr vserver to which this policy belongs.

vserverGlobalStatsGroup (
This provides information about vserver related statictics in the NetScaler product.

curConfigVservers (
Total number of vservers configured on the NetScaler.

vsvrBindCount (
Number of vserver bindings in the system

vsvrSvcGrpBindCount (
Number of vserver, servicegroup bindings in the system

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